Our students are able to choose between credit and non-credit courses, as well as group or individual instruction, all within our unique three-stage curriculum.

Our Three Stage Structure

Education at Prestige is divided into three stages. The first stage covers grades 4-7 (Primary School), the second stage spans grades 8-12 (Secondary School), and the third stage is post-secondary school (Pre-Professional). 

Why Three Stages?

The Foundation Building Program (Grade 4-7) is the foundational stage, offering students at Prestige STEM Academy a strong basis in both knowledge structure and soft skills. 

Secondary School begins in grade 8, one year earlier than the traditional four years of secondary education, providing students with more opportunities to nurture their interests and academic pursuits. 

The Pre-Professional phase utilizes Prestige's career resources and professional experts, offering specialized tracks such as pre-med, finance, and law. 

Grades 4-7: Primary School

Foundation Building Program

In the Foundation Building stage, students develop comprehensive literacy across all subjects, providing a solid foundation for their future life. We also offer foundational courses in competition math and coding. 

The main objectives of primary education at PSA includes:

Grade 8: Secondary School Year One

Youth Pathfinders Program (YPP)

All of our eighth grade students take a year of our distinctive Youth Pathfinders Program (YPP), which helps students to identify their professional interests and further their studies in related honors courses. The Program also includes extracurricular activities and the cultivation of research competition skills. Students also continue to develop their emotional intelligence, time management, and social skills.

This 3-quarter program guides 7th and 8th grade students towards a better understanding of why they learn. Students often tell us that they don't understand why they have to learn algebra or history, and YPP aims to bridge that gap so students know why they are learning and how it relates to thier future career paths. The quarters are broken down as follows:

Grades 9-10: Secondary School Years 2 & 3

In the upper division, which encompasses the 2nd to 4th years (grades 9-12), students receive Prestige's comprehensive education and specialization training. This includes high school credit courses, competition clubs, and college admission planning guidance. Within this framework, our areas of specialization include: biology, pre-med, finance, and computer science. During this time we also offer Extracurricular Activity Planning, which encompasses competition training, team building, participation in competitions, volunteer opportunities and leadership activities, and providing research guidance. This holistic approach is tailored to cultivate and develop each student's unique professional interests and achievements.

Grades 11-12: Secondary School Years 4 & 5

Grades 11 and 12 at Prestige are devoted to credit-awarding courses and college planning, which includes our elite pre-college program that allows students to specialize in biology/pre-med, economics/finance, or computer science. Students also get a running start at taking college classes with a college credit course that will help them prepare for college-level coursework. 

During this time we also offer Competence Enhancement Education focused on fostering and refining emotional management, time management, interpersonal skills, and communication abilities. These crucial skills, which set exceptional students apart from their peers, are developed and honed through the comprehensive curriculum and college planning guidance at Prestige STEM Academy. This emphasis on holistic development not only distinguishes our students in college admissions but also ensures priority admission to prestigious universities, surpassing competitors from the same school.

Post-Graduate Program

After our students graduate, we continue to support and educate them where needed, including in their preparation for medical school, law school, business school, and other career development opportunities. 

Course Catalogs & Schedules

Our full course catalog can be found here

Current schedules for online classes at all grade levels can be found here

Current schedules for in-person classes at all grade levels can be found here